Wednesday 5 February 2014

The humans say the weather isn't very nice here at the moment. I'm not quite sure what they mean, because I love the rain. It's so much fun splashing about in puddles, and getting covered in mud. Last night, when I was going for a walkies before bed, there was a loud noise coming from the sky, which Mom says is called 'thunder'. Some dogs are scared of it, but not me!

I went to the Vet to get an injection. My Mom told me it's not much fun going to the Vet, but if you sit on the scales to be weighed, then the humans sometimes give you a treat. I tried that but the humans said they didn't have any treats with them! (But I did get a yummy treat when I got home) Mr Vet told me I was perfectly healthy and my injection didn't hurt too much. Now I can get a Pet Passport, which means I can go on holiday with my family. Yippee!

I'm growing bigger every single day. I now weigh 40kg and that means I'm nearly the same weight as Mommy who is 44kg. I had my sixth month old birthday, and celebrated by ripping up a teddy toy. (He had to go to the teddy hospital, where the humans stitch them up again).

I can do a really loud bark now! Like this ' WOOF WOOF WOOF'
(Except I don't think you can hear me can you? Opps)

Sloppy kisses!

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Training Time.

Woof, bark, woof!

I've been learning lots of cool new tricks. I love training, because it training = treats!! And I sure adore food :-P

So far I know; sit, down, stay, come, leave it, give paw, go to bed and a few more too. The humans say I am a quick leaner, well of course I am very clever puppy you know...I can type my very own blog!!!

Also I will try to figure out getting photos uploaded so you can all see what a big boy I am now :)

Love & sloppy kisses (and cuddles too),
Cody. xxx

Saturday 7 December 2013

Pupdate time

I have so much news, I don't know where to start!

My brothers and sisters went to their new homes with their forever human families. I miss them all a LOT, but the pawsome thing is; I still see my brother Mr Chocolate for playdates :) But guess what? He's got a new name - Mossie! So he'll be known as Mossie from now on. Anyway we get up to so much fun when he comes to stay at our house ;) 

I started going to puppy classes too! Apprently it's where you learn to be a good puppy, well I am already a good puppy - but the humans bring me along anyway :) I've made some great puppy friends, including Polo the golden retriever and Freddie the border collie! 

I've done a lot of growing recently, I'm such a big boy now! I'm catching up on Momma. Did you know I weigh 22kg, whatever that means! And I'm already 5 months old. 

With all that growing, I've been making sure to eat plenty of that yummy dinner! I'm fed on a 'Homemade Natural Fresh Food Diet' just like Momma. I sometimes try to steal Momma's food, but she says I'm not allowed to do that...oops!

I got something called a bath. It sounds like fun but trust me it's soooooooooo not. You get covered in water and soap and then you smell all weird. I much prefer the hair drying part, that's pretty cool. And did I mention how much fun chewing the brush when your human is trying to groom you with it?!

I went somewhere called the beach. It's one of my Momma's favourite places. I think it's one of mine now too. 

Wow, all that typing is hard work, I think I'll be off for a little snooze! Life is SO tiring as a pup :)

Love & Lots of sloppy kisses!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Hello Again!

Hello World!

Back again for another update on my new blog!!!

I had fun this morning playing outside in the garden with my sisters & brothers. We found something cool called a "cat" My Mummy says it is an animal that doesn't like doggies. Maybe that's why the cat ran away when we came to say hello then.

I had some yummy lunch. We had chicken mince with beef organs and veggies. The humans say this is called a Raw Diet. Well whatever it's called it's so yummy! I gobbled all mine up and then tried to eat my brother Chocolate's! Instead though I got milk from Mummy.

Now for pictures!

Me & my brother Lime

Me looking cute

Love & licks
Cody. x

Tuesday 10 September 2013

My First Post!!!

Hello World.

I'm Cody, a little Bernese Mountain Dog, otherwise known as a Berner for short.

I'm only 6 weeks old and just getting into the hang of this blogging thing!!!

I still live with my Mummy, Amber, and I'm staying here forever. My brothers & sisters are going to new families when they are bigger & they have lots of big adventures ahead of them but I'm really happy that I get to stay with Mummy because I'd miss her too much.

Lets introduce you to all us puppies.

First up, here is me with my Mummy.

Then there's Sky, he's the one who loves cuddles

Then there's Fuchsia, she's the independent one who is all brave and explores everything first!

Then there's Candy, she loves dinnertime best of all.

Then there's Chocolate, he is the playful one.

And then there's Lime, he is the cheeky one that is always getting into trouble!

There's all six of us pups.

I promise to be back real soon to update you more on what new exciting things I get up too!

Love & licks,
Cody. x